V25RV Antigua and Barbuda station was operated by Japanese Ham. We contacted December 2011 and January 2012 on 20m band CW. This card came from his home in Japan.
VE5SWL is my first QSL of Saskatchewan Canada. We contacted this January in 15m band CW. Still no QSL areas of Canada are Yukon Territory (VY1), Northwest Territories (VE8) and Nunavut (VY0).
WAS (Worked All States) completed by only LoTW as above. Last state was South Dakota. Uploaded to LoTW by K0WIU our QSO data of 16.Jan.2012 at 15m band CW. Many thanks to K0WIU and other stations ! Already I have QSL cards of South Dakota and completed WAS, but by only LoTW was completed just this new year.