Friday, June 22, 2012

4U1ITU Headquarter of International Telecommunication Union

QSL of 4U1ITU Headquarter of International Telecommunication Union's ham station in Geneva, Switzerland came via Direct.

We contacted this May at 20m band CW.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6O3A Somaliland

 QSL of 6O3A Somaliland DX-pedition came from QSL manager in USA.

 I had this QSO in May at 20m band CW.

Friday, June 15, 2012

9M0L Spratly Islands

 9M0L Spratly Islands DX-pedition team, QSL came from Malaysian QSL manager.

 We had 4 bands QSO on this April at 10m, 15m, 17m and 40m band CW.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2Q0DAA Wales Holy Island IOTA EU-124

2Q0DAA Home Call 2W0DAA, his QTH is North Wales Holy Island -IOTA EU-124. His QSL came via DIRECT.

He uploaded to YOU TUBE a VIDEO which is receiving my signal at his shack.

We had this QSO this MAY at 15m band CW.