Tuesday, October 16, 2012


QSL of PJ4/W4IX BONAIRE in Netherlands Antilles came from his home QTH in USA via direct. I have a QSL of Bonaire at old DXCC entity area, Bonaire Curacau. Then this QSL is new area's. We contacted this February at  20m band CW.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10m band opens to worldwide again

Now 10m band opens to worldwide again, last open was autumn 2011.

QSL of DK3BT Germany came via Direct. We contacted at 10m band CW this September as above.

Monday, October 1, 2012

ZG2FX Gibraltar

QSL of ZG2FX Gibraltar came from his home QTH in England. Gibraltar is a possession of UK by  the Gibraltar channel at Mediterranean sea. We contacted this September at 30m band CW.