Friday, December 7, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
3D2C Conway Reef
QSL of 3D2C Conway Reef in South Pacific came via Direct from QSL manager in Serbia. We contacted this October at 15m and 20m band CW.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
GO4EYN London Olympic Card
GO4EYN 2012 London Olympic Card came via Direct. Ken and his XYL Rosemary was holding a 1948 London Olympic torch in photo. We had contact 01 September 2012 during Paralympic Games at 20m band CW.
Friday, November 16, 2012
H44PA Solomon Islands
QSL of H44PA Solomon Islands came via Direct from his home QTH in Australia. We had QSO this October at 20m band CW.
Friday, November 9, 2012
QSL cards from Island stations (3) Ukrainian Berezan island & Russian Peschany island
QSL of UW2ZF Ukraine Berezan island in Black sea came via bureau. Our QSO was this April at 15m band CW.
RV1AQ/P Russian Peschany island in Laptev sea north of Siberia, QSL card came via bureau. We had QSO July of 2010 at 30m band CW.
Monday, November 5, 2012
YV8AD Venezuela
YV8AD Venezuela QSL came via Direct. We contacted this April at 20m band CW as above. This is the first QSL of Venezuela.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
QSL cards from Island stations (2) Lesbos Isl & Saldinia Island
SV8/OK2BC/P Greece Lesbos Island's QSL came via bureau. We contacted June 2009 at 30m band CW.
IS0R Italian Sardinia Island QSL came via bureau. We had QSO May 2010 at 30m band CW.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
QSL cards from Island stations (1) Isla Contadora & Aland IS
HP1WW Isla Contadora IOTA NA-072 in PANAMA is located South East of Panama city. We contacted November 2011 at 20m band CW.
OH0/OH1LA ALAND IS in Finland, we had QSO July 2011 at 20m band CW.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
QSL of PJ4/W4IX BONAIRE in Netherlands Antilles came from his home QTH in USA via direct. I have a QSL of Bonaire at old DXCC entity area, Bonaire Curacau. Then this QSL is new area's. We contacted this February at 20m band CW.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
10m band opens to worldwide again
Now 10m band opens to worldwide again, last open was autumn 2011.
QSL of DK3BT Germany came via Direct. We contacted at 10m band CW this September as above.
QSL of DK3BT Germany came via Direct. We contacted at 10m band CW this September as above.
Monday, October 1, 2012
ZG2FX Gibraltar
QSL of ZG2FX Gibraltar came from his home QTH in England. Gibraltar is a possession of UK by the Gibraltar channel at Mediterranean sea. We contacted this September at 30m band CW.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
VP8NO Falkland Islands
QSL of VP8NO Falkland Islands came via bureau. We contacted August 2009 at 30m band CW by long pass. This QSO was already confirmed at LoTW, and now came paper QSL.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
JunkYard Dog !? K5JYD
Most recent arrived QSL is this. K5JYD writes "K5 JunkYard Dog" Hi Hi.
We had QSO this August at 30m band CW.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A52JY Bhutan
A52JY Bhutan operated by Japanese HAM, QSL came from his home QTH via Direct quickly.
We contacted this June at 15m band CW.
Friday, June 22, 2012
4U1ITU Headquarter of International Telecommunication Union
QSL of 4U1ITU Headquarter of International Telecommunication Union's ham station in Geneva, Switzerland came via Direct.
We contacted this May at 20m band CW.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
6O3A Somaliland
QSL of 6O3A Somaliland DX-pedition came from QSL manager in USA.
I had this QSO in May at 20m band CW.
Friday, June 15, 2012
9M0L Spratly Islands
9M0L Spratly Islands DX-pedition team, QSL came from Malaysian QSL manager.
We had 4 bands QSO on this April at 10m, 15m, 17m and 40m band CW.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
2Q0DAA Wales Holy Island IOTA EU-124
2Q0DAA Home Call 2W0DAA, his QTH is North Wales Holy Island -IOTA EU-124. His QSL came via DIRECT.
He uploaded to YOU TUBE a VIDEO which is receiving my signal at his shack.
We had this QSO this MAY at 15m band CW.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
7Q7PRO Malawi
QSL of 7Q7PRO Malawi came from his home QTH in USA. We had QSO this April at 20m band CW.
Photo of QSL shows wood made tower antenna, vertical dipole.
Friday, May 25, 2012
A35YZ Kingdom of Tonga
QSL of A35YZ, Kingdom of Tonga in South Pacific came from German QSL manager via Direct.
Our contact was this March at 30m band CW. They were DXpedition team of German and Polish operators.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
VK9XS Christmas Island, Australia
QSL of VK9XS Christmas Island of Australia came from his home QTH in Japan via Direct.
We had QSO this April at 30m band CW. This is my first QSL of this Entity, but I had a few QSO.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
ZC4LI UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus
QSL of ZC4LI UK Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus came from Cyprus via Direct.
After independence of Cyprus UK 2 military base areas remain in Cyprus. This base areas have ZC4 call sign prefix. We had 2 bands QSO a day at 10m and 15m band CW this April.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
CN2RN Morocco
QSL of CN2RN Morocco came from his home QTH France, his home callsign is F8FGU. This is my first Morocco. Our QSO was this April at 20m band CW.
Friday, May 11, 2012
YL station round-the-world (7) DS1RDJ Korea
DS1RDJ Lee, Republic of Korea. Our QSO was August 2006 at 15m band SSB. I had few SSB QSO, almost by CW at all. This is few phone QSO of mine.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
YL station round-the-world (6) VU2RBI India
VU2RBI Bharathi, India. Our QSO was in August 2009 at 20m band CW. I wrote about her once my blog in about Asian Hams.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
YL station round-the-world (5) N2MM USA
N2MM Carol, USA. She has excellent antenna system in the forest of New Jersey, I found it by Google Earth. We had contacts at 15m, 20m and 40m band CW.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
YL station round-the-world (4) 3A2MD Monaco
3A2MD Laura, Monaco. We had QSO 3 times at 20m band CW.
I wrote about her once in this blog.
Last contact was this April.
Monday, May 7, 2012
YL station round-the-world (3) OM5MF Slovakia
OM5MF Margita, Slovakia. QSO with her was 20m and 30m band CW. She wrote she enjoy ham radio since 12 years old, and 331 entities confirmed in 2008. She have grandchildren and likes nature, gardening she wrote.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
YL station round-the-world (1) ZS1AFZ South Africa
ZS1AFZ Maria, South Africa. QSO with her was from my former QTH Iwatsuki city JCC 1313, now this city deleted by affiliation. She wrote in her card "Peace for our Continent"as above, this words sounds deeply still today.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
EY8MM Tajikistan
EY8MM Tajikistan QSL came from manager of USA via BURO. We contacted June 2010 at 20m band CW. This is my first paper QSL of Tajikistan.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
W0ZTL OT 93yrs !
W0ZTL Alex North Dakota wrote "age 93 yrs" and "on air since 1937", OT !
I was born 1946, so he works on air before I was born.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
OX3XR Greenland
OX3XR Greenland paper QSL came from QSL manager in Denmark via BURO.
We had QSO twice in 2010 at 20m band CW. By LoTW already these QSO was confirmed.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I am first JAPAN of him, AI9V IL USA
AI9V Marty wrote I am first Japanese station in 30 years as above. We had QSO in October 2011 at 15m band CW.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
KG2A/VP9 Bermuda
QSL of KG2A/VP9 Bermuda came from his home QTH via direct. He is Japanese HAM, lives in USA. We had QSO on 31/December,2011 at 20m band CW.
Friday, April 6, 2012
C21HA Nauru
QSL of C21HA Nauru, South Pacific came from their home QTH. they are Hungarian Hams who took a DX pedition at Nauru. We had QSO this January at 17m band CW.
Monday, April 2, 2012
3B9/OE4AAC Rodrigues Island, Mauritius Africa
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
EA9EU Ceuta, Spain
Monday, March 5, 2012
YS3CW El Salvador comfirmed by LoTW
Saturday, March 3, 2012
TN2T Republic of Congo
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
ZL8X Kermadec Island, New Zealand
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
JG8NQJ/JD1 My Last Entity in Japan, Minami Torishima (Marcus Island)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
C5A The Gambia
Thursday, January 26, 2012
V25RV Antigua and Barbuda
Monday, January 23, 2012
VE5SWL My first Saskatchewan Canada
Thursday, January 19, 2012
WAS completed by LoTW -- all 50 states of USA

WAS (Worked All States) completed by only LoTW as above.
Last state was South Dakota. Uploaded to LoTW by K0WIU our QSO data of 16.Jan.2012 at 15m band CW. Many thanks to K0WIU and other stations !
Already I have QSL cards of South Dakota and completed WAS, but by only LoTW was completed just this new year.
Friday, January 6, 2012
TY5ZR Benin, Africa
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